(For OUR GOD=and Others)
We are EXACTLY=One week day from=Christmas Eve=and
Two days before=THE GREATEST LIVING EVENT=in human history=
THE BIRTH=Of our Lord=and Savior Jesus Christ=The SON of
The Holy Father God
For that reason ALONE=it is important=That we STAY FULL OF PRAISE
For our Holy Father God=and Jesus=and we CONTINUE to PRAISE OTHERS=
For their lives=WHEN we can="You my child=shall be CALLED the prophet of
THE MOST HIGH=for you will go before the Lord=to PREPARE his way........" Luke 1:76
BEFORE the GREATEST EVENT=Jesus' coming=we had his COUSIN John=come
And PREPARE the way for him=DON'T FORGET the lesson=from John's Father
Zechariah=WHEN he could speak again=How MUCH PRAISE Zechariah had=for
The Holy Father God=and HIS MISSION and PRAISE=for his son=and the
The MINISTRY of Jesus=That is the Christian's job too=so be FULL OF PRAISE
For God and OTHERS
"I will proclaim=the name of the Lord=OH PRAISE the greatness=
Of our God!" Deuteronomy 32:3
"The Lord lives!=PRAISE BE to my Rock!=Exalted be my God=the Rock
My Savior" 2 Samuel 22:47
"Let me live=That I may PRAISE YOU=and may your laws Sustain me" Psalm 119:175
MOST of us=probably don't have much in common=with John the Baptist=
We don't wear camel's hair=or eat locusts=and wild honey=at least I don't
Think so=but like John
WHEN we gather=with FAMILY and friends today=and tomorrow=for
Jesus' COMING=The COMING of the Lord=with his Holy Father God=we
Have to REALIZE=That it is about HOPE=about GOD'S LIFE coming
Into the world=so have TRUE JOY=with YOUR FAMILY and friends=Take PLEASURE
In their company=and STAY FULL OF PRAISE=For God the Holy Father=for Jesus=and HOLD
ON to that PRAISE=every day of your life
"For he chose us=in him=Befoe the creation of the world=to be holy
And blameless=in his sight=In love=he predestined us= for adoption to
Sonship=through Jesus Christ=in accordance with his pleasure and will--------
To the PRAISE=of his glorious grace=which he has freely given us-in
The one he loves" Ephesians 1:4-6
"Is anyone among you=in trouble?=Let them pray=Is anyone happy?=
Let them sing songs=OF PRAISE" James 5:13
And so my dear friends=my dear brothers and sisters=Have those
You love on Christmas Eve and Christmas=and EVERY DAY of the year=and
PRAISE GOD==with your WORDS and actions=and ENJOY each other's
ALWAYS STAY=Full of Christ's PRAISE=and the Holy Father God's PRAISE=and
For those around you=HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR Jesus=SON of the LIVING GOD=
We OFFER our PRAISE=glory=and our lives back to you
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE=and Christmas day=I love you all=and OUR JESUS
And his Father=LOVE you all even more
Robert P. Wallman
Ps INSPIRED by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Melanie Rigney
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