Saturday, September 28, 2024








SEPTEMBER 28th, 2012






Rooted in God

Rooted in love

Rooted in all things

From God above


Rooted in kindness

Rooted in friendship

Rooted in all things

From God above


Rooted in mercy

Rooted in forgiveness

Rooted in all things

From God above


Rooted in caring

Rooted in sharing

Rooted in all things

From God above


Rooted in love

Rooted in God

Rooted in all things

From God above


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        A ROOT is the part of the plant that anchors it and absorbs

            Nutrients and moisture; a plant CANNOT exist without its

            Root;  WE CANNOT EXIST fruitfully without God


“For the love of money is a ROOT of all kinds of evil

Some people-eager for money-have wandered from the faith

And pierced themselves with many griefs”                                        1 Timothy 6:10



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