Thursday, July 4, 2024










JULY 4th, 2012









JULY 4th, 2012






150 years ago

In a little town in Texas

At the Alamo

A group of 119 or 120 men



A group led by Colonel William Travis

A group that included famous men

Like Davy Crockett and William Bowie



Fighting for their independence

Men fighting for an ideal

A 100 or so men

Fighting for the beginnings

Of the statehood of Texas


General Sam Houston and his army

Did come---too late

For these men

But NOT too late

For the ideal---the statehood of Texas


2,000 years ago

There was another revolution going on

A revolution

To return to the Word of God


A revolution started by one man

Jesus Christ


A revolution

To teach us how to live

A revolution

To teach us how to forgive

A revolution

To teach us how to live lives

Of kindness and compassion


This revolution

Faced even longer odds

Than those few men down in Texas faced


One man

Backed by twelve

But in the end

One man standing alone

Unto his dying breath---committed to his ideals




Sam Houston’s army was too late

For those 120 men

But NOT too late

To finish the job---that those men started




The 12 did return ( one replaced )

As we assume---so did the 72

And millions and millions of others


Too late

For that one man

But NOT too late

For those ideals to be accomplished


My friends

This world is spiraling downwards

More and more so each day


It is time

For a new army

Committed to Christ’s ideals---to step forward


“You my brothers

Were called to be free

But do not use your freedom

To indulge the sinful nature

Rather serve one another in love

The entire law

Is summed up by a single command

Love your neighbor as yourself”                                          Galatians 5:13-14


God and love

Versus hatred and resentment

SPIRIT over the flesh


It is time for us to stand up

To stand firm---to stand tall


Let us be slaves to God

Let us be slaves to love

Let us live

For the benefit of each other

And those yet to come


Let us

Teach God’s ways---Not human ways

Let us truly live out



“ALL authority in heaven

And on earth

Have been given to me



Go and make disciples of all nations

Baptizing them

In the NAME of the FATHER

And of the Son

And of the HOLY SPIRIT

And teaching them

To obey everything---I have commanded you

And SURELY I am with you


TO THE VERY END OF THE AGE”                                              Matthew 28:19 &20


And maybe ---if we do that

Maybe one day---we can ALL




Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “If you hold to my teachings

             You are really my disciples

              Then you will KNOW the truth

             And the truth will set you FREE”                                         John 8:31




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