Wednesday, July 3, 2024








DECEMBER 3rd, 2012






God is alive

Spread the word


He lives in you

Spread the word

He lives in me

Spread the word

He lives in everybody

Spread the word


We are God’s heart

We are God’s soul

Spread the word


We are his mouth

Say good things about him

Spread the word


We are

His arms and legs

Use them to carry you

To do good things

Spread the word


God is alive

Spread the word


He lives in you

Spread the word

He lives in me

Spread the word

He lives in everybody

Spread the word


We are God’s heart

We are God’s soul

Spread the word


God is alive

Spread the word


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “By the WORD of the Lord

             Were the heavens made

              Their starry host by the breath of his mouth”       Psalm 33:9


            “Take the helmet of salvation

              And the sword of the spirit

              Which is the WORD of God”                        Ephesians 6:17


            “For the WORD of God is living and active

             Sharper than any double-edged sword

             It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit

             Joints and marrow

             It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart”    Hebrews 4:12




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