Sunday, June 23, 2024











JUNE 23rd, 2012






Just as I am

I come before you

My head bowed

And on my way to my knees


I would confess all my weaknesses

To you

But you already know

So what’s the point


Just as I am

You always loved me

Just as I am

I know you always will


I would perfect myself

If I could

But you already accepted me

Just as I am


Just as I am

You always loved me

Just as I am

I know you always will


I know you will

Love me

Just as I am


You love me

Just as I am


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        God loves ALL his children


            “I AM the true vine, and my FATHER is the gardener”                     John 15:1


            “I AM the way and the truth and the life

             No one comes to the Father except through me”                               John 14:6


             “Jesus said to her,

             “I AM the resurrection and the life

              He who believes in me will live

              Even though he dies;

              And whoever lives and believes in me

              Will never die

               Do you believe this?”                                                                  John 11:25 & 26



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