Wednesday, October 2, 2024








OCTOBER 2nd, 2012






I don’t need to sleep with you

Just to love you

And to know I had your heart

Would make my heart complete


Just a hug

And to know

That it’s ok

Just to love you


Just to love you

Would set me free

Just to love you

Is all that I need


Just to love you

Would make my life complete

Just to love you

Would fulfill

My only need


If you slept

With a thousand men

It wouldn’t make a difference


It’s your heart that I want

In the end

It’s only your heart

That I want


Just to love you

Is my only need

And to know you love me too

Would make my life complete


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “Do not LOVE the world or anything in the world

             If anyone LOVES the world

             The LOVE of the Father is not in him”                               1 John 2:15


            “This is how we know what LOVE is

             Jesus Christ laid down his life for us

             And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers”              1 John 3:16


            “LOVE the LORD your God with all your heart

             And with all your soul and ALL your strength


             These commandments that I give you today

             Are to be written upon your hearts”                                  Deuteronomy 6:5-6




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