Thursday, October 10, 2024









OCTOBER 10th, 2012






I used to be a mess

I couldn’t pass any

Of God’s little tests


But I was

Transformed by God’s love

I was turned inside out

God showed me to myself

Who I was

And what I have

The capacity to be

And though I may never get there

He gave me a goal

It’s called humility


It’s called putting others first

It’s called

Knowing you’re nothing

And nothing

Is all you’ll ever be

It’s called love

It called humility


I was transformed by God’s love

I was turned inside out

God showed myself to me

Who I was

What I have the capacity to be

But I can only get there

By living in true humility


Robert P. Wallman



Ps       “Bur our citizenship is in heaven

            And we eagerly await a Savior from there

            The Lord Jesus Christ

            Who by the power that enables him

             To bring everything under his control

            Will TRANSFORM our lowly bodies

            So that they will be like his glorious body”             Philippians 3:20-21


           “Do nothing out of selfish ambition

            Or vain conceit

            But in HUMILITY-consider others

            Better than yourselves

            Each of you should look

            Not only to your own interests

            But to the interests to others”                                  Philippians 2:3-4


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