Sunday, October 6, 2024









OCTOBER 6th, 2012






Rest in God

Rest in the Lord                                                                                                                     

When your life

Is surrounded by doubt

Rest in God

Just to be sure


When your world

Has been rocked

When you have been

Pushed a little too far

Rest in God

Just to be sure


Rest in God

For today

Rest in God

For tomorrow

Rest in God

And wait on his grace



It is a long time in coming

But if you

Rest in God

Sooner or later

You will feel God’s grace


Sooner or later

You will feel God’s grace

Through every nerve

Of your body

Through every ounce

Of your soul


Sooner or later

You will feel God’s grace

Through every ounce

Of your soul


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “My soul finds REST in God alone

             My salvation comes from him”                        Psalm 62:1


            “Come to me all you who are weary

              And burdened and I will give you REST”              Matthew 11:28


            “For it is by GRACE you have been saved

             Through faith-and this is not from yourselves

             It is the GIFT of God

             Not by works-so that no one can boast”                  Ephesians 2:8




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