Saturday, October 5, 2024










Her name

Is forever linked

To the annual feast


Celebrated the 2nd Sunday of Easter

And at the Divine Mercy prayer

Celebrated each day at 3pm


Born August 25th, 1905

In now west central Poland

Helena was the third of ten children


She worked


As a housekeeper

In three cities

Before joining

The congregation of The Sisters

Of Our Lady of Mercy in 1925


While there

She worked as a cook, a gardener, and porter


She had

A DEEP interior life

In addition

To serving the need of the sisters

And the local people


Many Catholics at that time

Had a deep fear of God

And thought

That they could not be forgiven


Jesus-appearing to Sister Maria Faustina

Once told her


“I do not

Want to punish aching mankind

But I desire to heal it

Pressing it to my merciful heart”


Sister Maria

Wrote in her diary


“Neither graces-nor revelations-nor raptures

-Nor gifts granted to a soul

Make it perfect


But rather

The intimate union of the soul

With God


These gifts

Are mercy ornaments

Of the soul

But constitute

Neither its essence nor its perfection


My sanctity and perfection

Consist of the close union

Of my will

With the will of God”


Jesus loved us so much

Had so much mercy on us

That he preferred to die for us

Than to see us spend eternity in suffering


“Because judgment without mercy

Will be shown to anyone

Who has not been merciful


Mercy triumphs over judgment!”                                                    James 2:13


Sister Maria Faustina

Died of tuberculosis in 1938


Pope John Paul II

Beatified her in 1993

And canonized her 7 years later


We thank Sister Faustina

For her revelations of our Lord’s mercy

For all of us

And we thank our Lord

For BEING a merciful God


As Psalm 136 says

“God’s LOVE (God’s mercy ) ENDURES FOREVER”




Robert P. Wallman


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