Friday, February 28, 2025











I have BEEN SURROUNDED=by many people-IN my life

Who EMBODY=the Spirit of God=If you are EVER AROUND=

Someone like that=You can FIND=the SPIRIT OF GOD=In

Their very presence=and IN THEIR WORDS=and deeds=Point


BY WORDS=BY DEEDS=Living the WAY to God!

“……..His descendants too=WILL INHERIT WISDOM”                                              Sirach 4:16

“Who SERVES the Holy One”                                                                                     Sirach 4:12

“EMBRACED by the Lord”                                                                                             Sirach 4:14


WISDOM is such an ATTRACTIVE quality=That when Solomon

Was told by God=He could have any quality=He ASKED for God’s

Wisdom=”God gave Solomon WISDOM=and very great insight=and

A breadth of understanding=as MEASURELESS as the sand=on

The seashore=SOLOMON’S WISDOM was greater=than the WISDOM=

Of all the people=of the East=and greater than=ALL the wisdom of Egypt”   1 Kings 4:29-30


If ONE possesses wisdom=It comes ACROSS in his or her WORDS

AND DEEDS=It comes across=In everything that person does=and

It POINTS the WAY=to Living TO FIND GOD=”But God made the earth=

By his power=He founded the world=BY HIS WISDOM=and stretched out

The heavens=by his understanding”                                                                                                     Jeremiah 10:12


“And Jesus grew=IN WISDOM=and stature=and in favor=with God=and man”       Luke 2:52


“If any of you=LACKS WISDOM=You should ask God=Who gives generously

To all=Without finding fault”                                                                                                                        James 1:5


If a person=IS EMBRACED by God=you can feel THE HOLINESS=in their presence=

NOTHING even needs to be said=But it comes across=IN THEIR WORDS=actions=

And DEEDS nonetheless=THE LIVING PRESENCE of our God=LIVES in them=

It points to=Living the WAY TO GOD


You are able TO SEE=the unwavering CONFIDENCE and trust=

You can FEEL THE LOVE=in their ways==and you can see it FEEL IT=IN

Their words=Their actions=and their DEEDS=It is in their person=IN their

WAY=”As for God=HIS WAY is perfect=The Lord’s word is flawless=He shields

All=who take refuge in him”                                                                                                                       2 Samuel 22:31


“COMMIT YOUR WAY=to the Lord=Trust in him=and he will do this”                                Psalm 37:5


“Jesus answered’=’I am THE WAY=and the truth and the life=No one comes

To the Father=Except through me’”                                                                                                         John 14:6


And so my friends=My dear Brothers=and SISTERS=Gravitate toward the

PERSON=the people=who EMBODY the Spirit of God=the ONE=you can feel the Holiness

In their presence=and in those=You can Find God=in their words=IN THEIR

Deeds and in their actions=They are LIVING THE WAY=and pointing to=God

The Holy Father=and to Jesus=FOLLOW them in LOVE!


In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of our EVER LIVING=ever living=EVER

Wise=Our Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps=        INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda

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