Monday, February 24, 2025











There is=A FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION=that each and

EVERY ONE of us=have to ASK ourselves=What and WHO do you say

That Jesus is?=”He said to them’=’But WHO do you say That I am?’”                       Matthew 16:13-19


WE ALL=Know the answer NOW=Or at least we should know=But

Back then=NO ONE knew the answer=EXCEPT for Peter=for he was

CLUED in=by the Holy Father God=Peter’s RESPONSE=”Simon Peter

Answered’=’You are THE MESSIAH=the Son of the LIVING GOD’

And Jesus replied=’Blessed are you=Simon=Son of Jonah=For this

Was not revealed=to you by flesh and blood=But MY FATHER=in heaven’”           Matthew 16:16-17

“’And I tell you=that you are Peter=and on this ROCK=I will build my

Church=and the gates of Hades=will not overcome it’”                                                   Matthew 16:18


So far that=HAS NOT HAPPENED=but the DEVIL=is sure TRYING=Like

The dickens =to DESTROY PEOPLE=to Destroy families=and to DESTROY

The Christian Church=That is WHY=It is MORE important than ever=for

PEOPLE OF FAITH=People of God=people of LOVE=to band together


We are UNDER ATTACK my friends=Our FAMILIES=are under attack=Our

Churches=Temples=and Mosques are under attack=PEOPLE OF LOVE=People

Of God=Must come together=UNDER the Son of man=Under the Son of


“Therefore=the Lord himself=will give you a SIGN=The virgin will=Conceive

And give birth=to a Son=And will call him Immanuel”                                                             Isaiah 7:14


“This is MY SON=Whom I love=with him=I am well pleased”                                        Matthew 3:17

“For God=so LOVE the world=That he gave his=One and only SON=

That whoever believes in him=shall not perish=but have ETERNAL LIFE”                     John 3:16


WHO do you say=Or What is JESUS to you?=For me=LIKE PETER=He is the

SON of the Father=the Son of=the FOREVER LIVING=Holy Father God=I have

KNOWN that=My whole life=and I have PUT my faith IN HIM=and them=And that

Is why I think=The Holy Father God=and Jesus=SUSTAIN ME with LIFE=Jesus was=

IS=the Son Of GOD=He is THE MESSIAH OF LOVE=and there is=NO GETTING

Around it


WITH the devil=Running rampant=in this world=Trying to DESTROY=Trying

To destroy you=Trying to DESTROY YOUR FAMILY=Trying to destroy the

CHRISTIAN CHURCH=Temples=and Mosques=We BETTER CLING together=We

Better Cling to Jesus=and HIS FATHER=with ALL of our might=They are


“I am=the God of Abraham=The God of Isaac=and the God of Jacob=He is NOT

The God of the dead=BUT OF THE LIVING”                                                                                         Matthew 22:32


“I am=THE LIVING ONE=I was dead=and now look I AM ALIVE=for ever=and

Ever=And I HOLD the keys=of death and Hades”                                                                            Revelation 1:18


Peter KNEW the answer=I do too=WHAT and Who=do you say Jesus is?=and who

IS the Holy Father God to you?

In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of our FOREVER LIVING=Forever LOVING=the

GOD OF LIFE=the Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps        INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Sr. Chris Koellhoffer, I.H.M.

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