Wednesday, February 19, 2025










OUR Lord and Savior=Jesus Christ=had the MOST

AMAZING LIFE=BORN in a manger=died a poor man’s

Criminal death=but the last 3 years of his life=Featured

MIRACLES and healings=after HEALINGS and miracles=and He


ROSE from the dead=to LIVE FOREVER with the Holy Father God=as

Part of the Holy FAMILY=the TRUE SON OF GOD=giving the

SPIRIT OF LIFE and love=and forgiveness and kindness=to

EACH and everyone of us=but what we MUST REMEMBER is


IT is not just his story=IT IS=OUR STORY TOO!=for we are ALL

Children of God=and the brothers and sisters=of our LORD

Jesus Christ=”…….so that your faith=might NOT REST on human

Wisdom=but on THE POWER OF GOD”                                                                                           1 Corinthians 2:5


That is RIGHT=my brothers and sisters=OUR FAITH RESTS on=

The power of God=so when=we are going THROUGH our trials

And tribulations=when it seems like=WE CAN NEVER WIN=at this

Game of life=BE ASSURED=VICTORY is ultimately ours=for we


REST ON THE POWER OF God=even if it does not come=UNTIL

Our eternal life=OUR RESUREECTION story=is not just Jesus’ story=but

IT IS=OUR STORY TOO!=Resting on the POWER of God


“Be strong and courageous=Do not be afraid or discouraged=because

Of the King of Assyria=and the vast army with him=for there is          

GREATER POWER=with us than with him”                                                                           2 Chronicles 32:7


“Great is our Lord=and mighty IN POWER=his understanding

Has no limit”                                                                                                                                               Psalm 147:5


YES my friends=my dear brothers and sisters=no matter

WHAT SETBACKS befall us=in this world=we do NOT HAVE to worry=

For ultimately=we will win=HAVE ETERNAL LIFE=just like Jesus Christ

For life and love=and FORGIVENESS and kindness=belong to him=

It is=NOT just his story=IT IS OUR STORY TOO!=for in us too is

THE POWER OF GOD=for we BELONG to the Father GOD=and his

Son Jesus Christ=NOT just Jesus’ story=BUT OUR STORY TOO!



“I am the living bread=That came down from heaven=Whoever eats

This bread=WILL LIVE FOREVER=This bread is my flesh=which I will give

For the life=of the world”                                                                                                                         John 6:51


“Everyone who competes=in the games=goes into strict training=They

Do it=to get a crown=that will not last=But we do it=to get a crown=that

Will LAST FOREVER”                                                                                                                           1 Corinthians 10:25


Saint Paul=was not out=for anything for himself=NEITHER should we be=

He tells us=we should be BOASTING=in NOTHING but the LIFE and

LOVE of Jesus Christ=and HIS RESURRECTION=For Jesus’ story is=IT IS

OUR STORY TOO!=to have eternal life with HIM=and his Holy Father God


“May I NEVER BOAST= Except in=the CROSS of our Lord Jesus Christ=

Through which the world=has been crucified to me=and I=to the world”                            Galatians 6:14


Dear Lord=WE PRAY=that we always REMEMBER your story=

IS OUR STORY TOO!=and that we live it through this life=and spend

OUR ETERNAL LIFE with you dear Lord=and



In Jesus ‘ name


Robert P. Wallman

9-1-2024 and 2-19-2025



Ps       INSPIRED=by an article IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Claire McGarry


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