Wednesday, February 26, 2025









(Are meant to STRENGTHEN US)


Have you been TRIED=Have you been TESTED=in this life?

I am SURE you have been=I have=You have=WE all have!=

“……..When you come=to SERVE the Lord=Stand in justice and fear=

Prepare yourself=FOR TRIALS”                                                                                             Sirach 2:1


My brothers=My sisters=IF you are=a man or woman of GOD=

WE HAVE BEEN TESTED!=For there is NO GAIN=in this life=

Without SOME PAIN=It REVEALS who you are=it reveals YOUR FAITH=

And it reveals=YOUR STRENGTH of character=TRIED AND TESTED=

Our trials=ARE meant to strengthen us


We all=have been tested=IN OUR HEALTH=In our finances=and

In our RELATIONSHIP=With partners and friends=and FAMILY=It

REVEALS=who we are=as a person=OUR TRIALS are meant to strengthen us=

“With God=we will GAIN THE VICTORY=and he will trample down=

Our enemies”                                                                                                                                              Psalm 60:12             


“What good is it=For someone=To GAIN the whole world=yet forfeit

Their soul?”                                                                                                                                          Mark 8:36


“If I give=all I possess=to the poor=and give over my body=to hardship=

That I may boast=but do not have LOVE=I GAIN NOTHING”                                                1 Corinthians 13:3


We KNOW=that our Holy Father God=we know that OUR JESUS=will

TAKE CARE of us=In the times=we are TRIED AND TESTED=In our times

Of trials=God and Jesus know=WE HAVE BEEN FAITHFUL to him=THROUGH

Our prayers=and through our lives=but he=THE LORD=Uses our trials=

To reveal our character=to REVEAL OUR STRENTH


And he gives us=THE EXAMPLE of Jesus’ life=and the lives of=THE SAINTS=and

The biblical figures=Of the OLD TESTAMENT=He knows our TRIALS=will

Reveal us=to BE TRIED and true=and show our FAITH=as well as our


He has become my salvation=He is MY GOD=and I will praise him=

MF FATHER’S God=and I will exalt him”                                                                                             Exodus 15:2


“Love the Lord your God=With all your heart=and with all your soul=and

WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH”                                                                                                                Deuteronomy 6:5


“If anyone serves=They should do so=WITH THE STRENGTH=God provides=

So that in all things=God may be praised=Through Jesus Christ=To him

Be the glory=and the power for ever and ever=Amen”                                                                1 Peter 4:11


The TRIALS=you and I=FACE in life=My brothers and sisters=leave you

TRIED AND TESTED=Your trials ARE NECESSARY=for you to GROW in Holiness=

And they are MEANT TO STRENGTHEN Your faith=through patient endurance


My brothers and sisters=YOU ARE JESUS’=and you are THE SONS=and the

DAUGHTERS=Of our Holy Father God=Let your CHARACTER be revealed=Your

Trials will STRENGTHEN YOU=and your faith=No pain=No gain!


In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of our FOREVER STANDING=forever loving

Forever living=Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Jonathan F. Sullivan


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