Tuesday, February 25, 2025











FEBRUARY 26thth, 2012












Many years ago, in a hospitalization that began on my 22nd birthday, I had gangrene,

Peritonitis, blood poisoning, and a host o other things.  I had emergency surgery and

Was given 0 per cent chance to live.  I had the last rights, went unconscious and two weeks later woke up alive.


What I didn’t know was that my Uncle John was outside punching the walls and praying.

What I didn’t know was that my Dad was praying, “he’s just a young man, he has his

Whole life in front of him, I wish God would take me.”  My grandfather, Carl Wallman,

Who was 72 years old and in fair health, was praying the same words as my father.  The

Day that I left Saint John’s Hospital and went to my Aunt’s to recuperate, my grandfather

Had a stroke and went into that same hospital.  My grandfather died February 26th, 1977.


I have lived my whole life with a chronic illness and in severe chronic pain.  I had always

Wanted to meet a woman and have my own family.  It never did happen for me.  My health, and my finances due to health, were factors.


Many years later, in a different city, I met a woman who I was immediately attracted to.

I will call her Jennifer for the purposes of this story.


Jennifer was a petite woman of not more than 100 pounds.  Jennifer took an immediate

Dislike to me---though I couldn’t imagine why.  I knew I didn’t say or do anything.

Jennifer had the three most beautiful girls---about 8, 10, and 14 years old.  They were

A beautiful family of Hispanic origin.  It turned out that there was some sexual abuse within the family.


I was never quite able to connect with Jennifer---but years later I got a card signed by

Jennifer and the three girls that read:



                   “we will keep in touch with you and remember you are in our thoughts and

                     Hearts as well as God’s.”


While it will never be the kind of love I had hoped for as a young man, I will always love

This woman and her 3 girls; with ”a spiritual kind of love.”


Jennifer’s birthday is February 26th.  I guess you could say:  “I OWED GOD ONE.”



Robert P. Wallman

February 14th, 2007



Ps               Happy Birthday Jennifer---God Loves You!


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