Sunday, May 12, 2024









Of the Lord!


What is a WAY?=It is a path traveled=It

Is a road=and the WAY of the Lord=refers to

FOLLOWING Jesus’ teachings themselves=

His teachings=


ON LOVE=on forgiveness=on following the BEATITUDES

Of the Lord=Apollos was just=ONE of many of

Jesus’ disciples=who FOLLOWED THE WAY=

“Apollos had been instructed=in the WAY= of the Lord

And with ardent spirit=spoke=and taught accurately

about Jesus……..”                                                                                                                        Acts 18:25


WE=the 21st century apostles=and disciples of Jesus=KNOW

How difficult the way of Jesus is=It can be a TOUGH ROAD=but

It also cane BE very REWARDING=as we FIND THE LOVE=of

The Holy Father God and Jesus=LIVING deep INSIDE of us=of


And to Jesus=FOLLOWING THE WAY!=of the Lord!


But in a nutshell=THE WAY=of the Lord=is a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY

With the Lord Jesus Christ=He is=THE WAY to eternal life!=”Jesus

Answered=’I AM THE WAY=and the truth=and the life=No one

Comes to the Father=except through me’”                                                                                   John 14:6


There you have it=IF you want to FIND the Holy Father God=the

GOD OF LOVE=in this world=You have to FIND HIS SON=

Jesus Christ first=FOLLOWING THW WAY=of the Lord


The early APOSTLES=of Jesus=FOUND the way=by FOLLOWING

THE WAY=of Jesus’ life=Is it any wonder=We are such a LOST SOCIETY=

Such a lost world=One-half of us=Don’t even know who Jesus is=let alone

FOLLOW THE WAY!=of the Lord=I will FOLLOW the way of the Lord=

FOREVER and ever=I HOPE that you will too


“As for God=HIS WAY is perfect=The Lord’s word=is flawless=He

Shields all=who take refuge in him”                                                                                                     2 Samuel 22:31


“COMMIT YOUR WAY=to the Lord=trust in him=and

He will do this”                                                                                                                                          Psalm 37:5


“Whether you turn to the right=or to the left=Your ears will

Hear a voice=behind you saying=’This is THE WAY=Walk in it’”                                             Isaiah 30:21


The ROAD=to follow the Lord=and the Holy Father God=is

A challenge=but it is well worth it=It CALLS US to LOVE=like Jesus

Which many of us=CANNOT seem to do today=It is his

Great command=HIS WAY=for us to FOLLOW


“Jesus replied=’LOVE the Lord your God=with ALL your heart=and

With all your soul=and with all your mind’=This is the first

And greatest commandment=


And the second is like it=’LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR as yourself’=

All the Law and the prophets=hand on these two commandments”                               Matthew 22:37-40                   


MY FRIENDS=This is the WAY=to the Holy Father God=and

To HIS SON Jesus Christ


What is really SAD=is that most of are NOT even=trying

To FIND OUR WAY to God=through LOVE=but it is the

ONLY WAY=to FOLLOW OUR LORD=to Jesus=and His Father=



My friends=LIVE INTENTIONALLY in love=it is the ONLY WAY

To FOLLOW the Lord=and FIND OUR WAY to him=and to

His Son=Jesus Christ


In Jesus’ name=and in the name=Of his ever LIVING=EVER LOVING

Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps        INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda                         






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