Tuesday, May 28, 2024










MAY 28th, 2012






In the 15th chapter

Of Saint Luke’s Gospel

Jesus tells us the story

Of the lost son

And his loving father


We call it

The story of the Prodigal Son


What is interesting

Is never once in the story

Is the word, “prodigal” used


The young son

Sets off for a distant land

And squanders his wealth

On wild living


How many of us

Haven’t made a mistake or two

When we were young


When famine hits

And after he has squandered everything

He decides to go home

And throw himself

On the mercy of his father


But to his surprise

Instead of being angry

His father throws a party for him


To the father’s surprise

The older brother

Refuses to join the party


He feels he has been slighted

Because he has been loyal and dependable


Which brings us to the point

Which of us isn’t guilty of something

Something done or something left undone


For every sin committed

There are 100 good deeds

Left undone


For every violent act

There are 100 acts of

Coldness, indifference, and condescending attitudes


We ALL deserve

A second chance


As Dickens wrote,

“There is so much bad in the best of us

And so much good in the worst of us

It ill becomes any of us

To speak badly of the rest of us”




Robert P. Wallman



Ps        This writing was inspired by the teaching of Father

            Leo Clifford  ( 1922-2012  )


For the father said to his lost son when he returned home:


            “For this son of mine was dead

             And is alive again

             He was lost-and now is FOUND

             So they began to celebrate”                                   Luke 15:24


And he threw a PARTY for him


This is exactly HOW our father-GOD-

Will treat us when we RETURN TO HIM


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