Friday, May 31, 2024










MAY 31st, 2012






Stay true

To your goals

Stay true

To your dreams

Stay true                                                                                                        

To what is in your heart

In your eyes and soul

Keep that gleam


Stay true

To God

Stay true

To love

Stay true

To yourself

It is in your soul

That your dream does live


Stay true

To your dreams

Because in your heart and soul

The dream does live


Robert P. Wallman




Ps        “If you love me-you will obey what I command

             And I will ask the Father

             And he will give you another Counselor

             To be with your forever-THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH


             The world cannot accept him

             Because it neither sees him or knows him

             For he lives with you and will be in you”                                          John 14:15-17


             Jesus said to the Jewish people who believed in him:


             “Then you will know the truth

              And the truth WILL SET YOU FREE”                                        John 8:32

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