Tuesday, May 7, 2024










Jesus=and his FOLLOWERS=changed LIFE

For all of us=They taught us=HOW to find

Eternal salvation=Jesus and the AMERICAN

Soldiers=taught us=Freedom has its price

It costs=LOVE never fails!


There is NOTHING=like giving up=your life=for

Someone else=for giving something of your LIFE

For your friends=Jesus gave HIS LIFE for you=for me

For all of us=We are=HIS CHOSEN FRIENDS!

“NO ONE=has greater love=than this=to lay down

One’s life=FOR ONE’S FRIENDS”                                                                                                     John 15:13


Jesus spoke=THESE WORDS=right before he

Would lay down his life=and be NAILED to the cross

For us


These words=give us a CLUE=into his mindset=right before

He would LAY DOWN his life=and love=for all of us=We are

HIS CHOSEN FRIENDS!=The chosen FRIENDS of Jesus=who

He LOVES=for all of time


“But you Israel=my servant=Jacob=whom I

HAVE CHOSEN=you descendants of Abraham=MY FRIEND”                                                     Isaiah 41:8


“If you=belonged to the world=it would love you=

As its own=As it is=you do not belong to the world=but

I HAVE CHOSEN YOU=out of the world=This is why

The world hates you”                                                                                                                           John 15:19


“HE WAS CHOSEN=before the creation=of the world=but

Was revealed=in these last times=for your sake”                                                                              1 Peter 1:20


Jesus tells us=there is NO ONE=he loves more than us=

HIS apostles and disciples of yesteryear=and us=HIS APOSTLES

Of today=in this the 21st century


He tells us=We are=HIS CHOSEN FRIENDS!=for ALL

Of eternity=and he is=GIVING HIMSELF to us=for all

Of us=Giving up his life=IN LOVE=for his friends


“A FRIEND=loves at all times=and a brother is born

For a time of adversity”                                                                                                                          Proverbs 17:17


“One who has=UNRELIABLE FRIENDS=soon comes

To ruin=But THERE IS A FRIEND=who sticks closer

Than a brother”                                                                                                                                                Proverbs 18:24


“You adulterous people=don’t you know=THAT FRIENDSHIP

With the world=Means enmity against God?”                                                                       James 4:4


Out of ALL THE PEOPLE=in this world=Jesus CHOOSES YOU=

Chooses me=to BE our friends=He chooses us=to LAY DOWN

His life for us=and to give us eternal life=HOW UNBELIEVABLE



All we can do=is say THANK YOU=to the SON of

The LIVING GOD=and give our friendship back to him=and

Love him back


He CHOSE pain=He chooses the CROSS=to give us

A CHANCE=for eternal life=with him and HIS LOVING

Holy Father God=Because we are=HIS CHOSEN FRIENDS!


“You did not CHOOSE ME=But I CHOSE YOU=and appointed you=

So that you might go=and bear fruit=Fruit that will last=and so

Whatever you ask in my name=the Father will give you=This

Is my command=Love each other”                                                                                                    John 15:16


Jesus CHOSE you and me=for all of eternity=He gave up

His life=for all of us=His friends=HIS CHOSEN FRIENDS!


In the names=of Jesus our Savior=and his Holy Father God=who love us

And CHOOSE US=for all of eternity


Robert P. Wallman




Ps        INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Fr. James McKarns

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