Monday, May 6, 2024










MAY 6th, 2012











“To be a Nurse”



When the nights get long

When there is

No time for sleep

And your eyes

Are so tired

That you just

Want to weep


Remember what

You are doing it for

To be a nurse


To be a nurse

Is to

Give love and compassion

To be a nurse

Is to live life

With a passion


To be a nurse

Is quite a calling

To give help to another

When they are

In danger of falling

What could be more noble

Than to be a nurse


So when the nights are long

And there is no time for sleep

And you are hurting so bad

You just want to weep


Remember to help

Another human being

Is the greatest calling of all


What could be more noble

Than to be a nurse



8/06/06        Robert  P.  Wallman



Ps        For all the nurses in the world.



My niece Lindsay is studying to be a nurse.  My cousin, Kimberly, is a nurse.

My cousin’s wife, Romona, is a nurse.  My good friend Theresa C., is a nurse.

And for Rowena.


For a lot of reasons, I think nursing is among the noblest professions


Ps        “I needed clothes and you clothed me

             I was SICK and you looked after me

             I was in prison and you came to visit me”                        Matthew 25:36


             “I tell you the truth-whatever you did

              For the least of my brothers

              You did for me”                                                        Matthew 25:40




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