Wednesday, May 29, 2024











SO MANY=of us=IN TODAY’S WORLD=Want riches

Want fame=Want whatever we can get=FOR OURSELVES


But I suggest to you=Greatness=REAL GLORY=Can only

BE FOUND=in the CROSS of Christ=ONLY in giving ourselves

Away to someone else=For someone else=For the LEAST

Of our brothers and sisters=

“You do not know=what you are ASKING=Can you

Drink the chalice=That I drink=or be baptized=With the baptism=

With which I am baptized?”                                                                                                              Mark 10:38


Jesus=ON the way to Jerusalem=TOOK the apostles aside=

Telling them EXACTLY=what would happen=He told them=


He would SUFFER=be put to death=and AFTER three days=He

Would RISE from the dead=NOT a single other ONE OF US=

In this world=or the next=Could walk this path to glory=to find glory

And greatness=IS FOUND=Only in the CROSS OF CHRIST=Not one of us

Could do this my brothers and sisters


So PICK UP YOUR CROSSES=and Follow Jesus=and find

YOUR WAY TO GLORY=In the cross of Christ


“Whoever=does not take up=THEIR CROSS=and follow me=Is

Not worthy of me=Whoever=finds their life=will lose it=and

WHOEVER loses their life=for my sake=will find it”                                                                      Mathhew 10:38


“Then he said to them’=’Whoever wants to be my disciple=

Must deny themselves=and take up=THEIR CROSS=daily and

Follow me”                                                                                                                                                      Luke 9:23


The APOSTLES=James and John=Wanted the GLORY of Jesus too=

But Jesus tells them=They could NOT DO=what he has to do=

And NEITHER could we=NOT a single other person=IN

The HISTORY of the world=Could do this


We need To CARRY OUR CROSSES just like Jesus=IN THE HOPES of

Living forever in him=and with him=and the HOLY FATHER GOD!=

ONLY in=THE CROSS=of Christ=can we EVER find greatness=find



“For Christ=did not send me= to baptize=but to preach

The gospel=--------Not with wisdom=and eloquence=lest

THE CROSS OF CHRIST=be emptied of its power”                                                                  1 Corinthians 1:17


“And having=disarmed the power and authorities=He

Made a public spectacle=of them=Triumphing over them

BY THE CROSS”                                                                                                                                             Colossians 2:15


“……..Fixing our eyes=on Jesus=the pioneer and perfecter

Of the faith=For the joy=set before him=HE ENDURED THE CROSS=

Scorning its shame=and sat down=at the right hand=of the throne

Of God”                                                                                                                                                        Hebrews 12:2


Dear Lord=Dear Jesus=WHEN we are OVERWHELMED with

Difficulties=in this life=Help us to=PICK UP OUR CROSSES

And follow you=with our lives


For GLORY=for greatness=is FOUND=only in the WAY of your

Cross=and the HOLY FATHER GOD=who LOVE US=until



In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of our EVER LOVING=ever living=ever LEADING

Holy Father God


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Patricia Livingston

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