Friday, December 5, 2014



“And as Jesus passed on from there-two blind men FOLLOWED him crying out-'SON OF DAVID-have pity on us'” Matthew 9:27

WE ALL need HELP-help from God-HELP from family-and help from each other

DO YOU like me-think of others-and TRY to lift them up for WHATEVER NEEDS that they have-ONLY to learn later on that that was what they NEEDED at that particular time-MANY TIMES people have told me that a particular poem was what they needed to read at that particular time-I FEEL blessed that I was able to be of help-and THANKFUL TO GOD for placing those words on my heart

WE DON'T KNOW what NEEDS a particular person in NEED does have-but we do know that we ALL have needs-and we all need HELP in continuing on this journey WE CALL LIFE

SOMETIMES-I just want to say to God: “HAVE MERCY on me dear Lord” or “CAN YOU-WILL you help me?”

There may NEVER be an instant cure-or an immediate solution to our problems-but somehow-WE HOPE that the Lord(and others) will hear our pleas and come to our aide

it is a GREAT DAY to be ALIVE in GOD'S LOVE for us and a GREAT DAY to TRY and HELP OTHERS




My mom always said,
“Your help
Is at the end
Of your right hand”

I have found
That to be true

But I also
Have found unexpected help
In family and friends
That I never expected

And MOST of all
I found HELP from God

So if I
Could find unexpected help
So can you

“God is our refuge and strength
An ever present HELP in trouble” Psalm 46:1

Don’t ever lose your faith
In God and in others

So while
It is true
“That our help
Is at the end of our right hand”

It is also true
That our HELP comes from God
And in the form of each other

“TWO are better than one
Because they have a good return
For their work

If one falls down
His friend can help him up

Also-if two lie down together
They will keep warm
But how can one
Keep warm alone

Though one may be overpowered
Two can defend themselves
A cord of three strands
Is not easily broken” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Our HELP and our HOPE
Is in God
And how willing
We are to help one another

Robert P. Wallman

Ps Thank you to God
To my family and to my friends
For all the HELP
In sustaining me
On this journey through this life

WITNESS 4-27-13

“So do not fear-for I am with you-do NOT be dismayed-for I am your God
I will strengthen you and HELP you-I will HELP you with my righteous right hand”
Psalm 41:10


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