Wednesday, June 26, 2024











JUNE 26th, 2012






Goodbyes are difficult

Goodbyes always

Cause someone pain


Goodbyes occur

For many reasons

A move, a death, a broken relationship


But as Jesus

Was leaving this world

Jesus said

I leave my peace

With you


It is the kind of peace

That is

Not the peace from this world

But a peace

In spite of this world


A peace that says

In every situation

I am with you

To trust God

And know

God will bring you safely home


God’s peace

Is a victory

Over the darkness of sin

In this world


It is a victory over

The coldness, the indifference, the selfishness

The ingratitude, the luke warmness

And rejection of this world


So please know

That whatever you are facing

In this world


And if you

Are facing

A goodbye for any reason

I wish you peace




Robert P. Wallman



Ps       “Great PEACE have those who love your law

            And nothing can make them stumble”                                             Psalm 119:165


           “A heart at PEACE

            Gives life to the body

             But envy rots the bones”                                                                  Proverbs14:30


            “PEACE I leave with you

             My PEACE I give to you

             I do not give to you as the world gives

             Do not let your hearts be troubled

             And DO NOT be afraid”                                                                 John 14:27             


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