Sunday, June 16, 2024











JUNE 16th, 2012



My father was kind

My father was loving

But more than that

He was a kid himself

He knew how to have fun


He loved his sports

We talked about it much

I’ll always have the memories

Of Forbes Field and the Pittsburgh Pirates

The street car and the White Tower

My father always had time for me


My father was kind

My father was loving

But more than that

He was a kid himself

He knew how to have fun


My father loved bowling on Friday night

My father liked a beer

My father

Loved his family and friends

Among others

We’ll never forget Walter and Ray


My father was kind

My father was loving

But more than that

He was a kid himself

He knew how to have fun


And when the end came

The last two years

He bore it

With the patience of a Saint


He was kind

He was loving

He had the faith of a child


He had the faith of a child


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        Still MISSING you Dad—your kindness—your compassion

            And your LOVE


           “HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER”                     Matthew15:4



6-18-17         LOVE & MISS YOU DAD more than EVER

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