Monday, June 24, 2024










JUNE 24th, 2012






Today is the feast

Of Jesus’ cousin, John

He was a forerunner

To Jesus’ message

Of peace and love

But he taught

In a way

Of fire and brimstone


He tried to

Prepare the way

For Jesus

He tried

To do what is right

He was rewarded

For his efforts

By someone

Cutting off his head


John had many followers

He even baptized Jesus

He was Jesus’ cousin

He was Jesus’

Forerunner in love


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “Then Jesus came from Galilee

              To the Jordan to be baptized by John

              But John tried to deter him saying,


             “I need to be baptized by you

              And do you come to me?”


              Jesus replied,


              “Let it be so now

                It is proper for us

                To do this to fulfill all righteousness”


                Then John consented


               As soon as Jesus was baptized

               He went up out of the water

               At that moment-heaven was opened

               And he saw the SPIRIT OF GOD

               Descending like a dove and lighting on him

               And a voice from heaven said,


               “This is my Son-whom I love

                With him I am well pleased”                                               Matthew 3:13-17


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