Monday, November 3, 2014



“Rather-WHEN you hold a banquet-INVITE the poor-the crippled-the lame-the blind;BLESSED indeed will you be BECAUSE of their INABILITY to repay you-for you will BE REPAID at the RESURRECTION of the RIGHTEOUS” Luke 14:13-14

SAY that AGAIN Lord-DO YOU really EXPECT US to give without the possibility of being REPAID?
YES-that is exactly what our Lord means-SO MUCH SO that Jesus echoes this command in Matthew also

“FOR-IF you LOVE those who love you-what recompense will you have?” Matthew 5:46-WE ARE to GIVE without the expectation of being REPAID-WE are to GIVE to those in NEED-NOT just to those who can do something for us materially-or-who can FURTHER us along in our career

GOD and Jesus KNOW our intentions and our motives and they are to be PURE

it is a GREAT DAY to be ALIVE in GOD'S LOVE for us and a great day to do something for someone
in NEED who is in NO POSITION to repay the favor

SAY that AGAIN Jesus




Hospitality is defined
As a cordial and generous reception of
Or disposition towards guests

“Then Jesus
Said to his host:
“When you give a luncheon or dinner
Do not invite your friends
Your brothers or relatives
Or your rich neighbors

If you do
They may invite you back
And so you will be repaid

But when you give a banquet
Invite the poor
The crippled
The lame
The blind
And you will be blessed

They cannot repay you
You will be repaid
At the Resurrection of the righteous” Luke 14:12-14

That’s our God
That’s our Jesus

God lives in
Each and every one of us
God has made a HOME
Living in the weak
Living in the strong

Living in the healthy
And the sick

Living in the attractive
Living in the disfigured
And living in the rich
And living in the poor

God took on
The face of man
In the person of Jesus Christ
Who in fact-was poor
Who in fact
Died a criminal’s death

Why would he do this?

He wanted us to know
That he felt
What each and every human being
Feels at some point

Luke warmness and REJECTION

Accepting toward us all

God wants us
To love as he loved
To shun no human being
For the more
WE give of ourselves
The more we find love
In one another

“SHARE with God’s people
Who are in need
Practice HOSPITALITY” Romans 12:13

God’s life
Is alive
In each and everyone of us

And by opening ourselves up
Who we might meet
Along the way

“Do not neglect hospitality
For through it
Some have entertained angels
Without knowing it” Hebrews 13:2

An ongoing discovery

Robert P. Wallman

Ps Inspired by an article
In Living Faith magazine
By Father James Stephen Behrens, O.C.S.O.

WITNESS 7-11-13


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