Thursday, October 3, 2024










In January=I will be 70 years old=I MEAN YOUNG=I cannot

BELIEVE=it will be 48  years=since MY LIFE CHANGING MIRACLE!=

There have been some GREAT times=some good times=and

Some times=that have NOT been so good=but ONE THING is for sure=

EACH DAY IS PRECIOUS!=they are a MIRACLE from God=So

LIVE for today=Right here=Right now=”Teach us to number=

Our days aright…….”                                                                                                                               Jennifer Christ


I WAKE UP=in the morning in Disbelief=That I am STILL HERE=

LONG after=Many of my family members and friends are gone=

RIGHT HERE=Right now=EACH DAY IS PRECIOUS!=so live for today=

COUNT your BLESSINGS right here=right now=You never know=how

LONG that you have=UNTIL God=calls you HOME


I am GRATEFUL for=My life journey=and I am grateful for these

LAST 22 years=I have spent with my friends=IN SOUTH FLORIDA!=as

I get ready to RETURN HOME=to see MY FAMILY=and my OLD FRIENDS=

Again=for the remainder of this life JOURNEY=EACH DAY IS PRECIOUS!

Appreciate the day=Right here-right now


“They are=MORE PRECIOUS than gold=than much pure gold=They are

Sweeter than honey=than honey from=the honeycomb”                                                                Psalm 19:10


“For wisdom=IS MORE PRECIOUS=than rubies=and nothing you desire=

Can compare to her”                                                                                                                                  Proverbs 8:11


“So this is what=the Sovereign Lord says’=’See I lay a stone

In Zion=a tested stone=a PRECIOUS CORERSTONE for a sure foundation=

The one who relies on it=will never be stricken with panic’”                                                            Isaiah 28:16


And so=as the years=go TICKING BY=I am getting READY for=

This continuing journey=The ONE that may be=THE LAST STAGE

Of the journey=ONE Never knows=EACH DAY IS PRECIOUS!


For me and for you=CONSCIOUS that our days are numbered=and

Thinking about=HOW PRECIOUS our lives are=EACH DAY IS PRECIOUS!=

Right here=right now!=Even the bad days are PRECIOUS=when you are aware=

That you ONLY have so many days=IN YOUR LIFE


“……..But with the PRECIOUS blood of Christ=a lamb without blemish or

Defect=He was chosen=Before the creation of the world=but was revealed

In these last times=for your sake”                                                                                                                1 Peter 1:19


“Through these=he has given us=His very great and PRECIOUS PROMISES=so

That through them=You may participate=in the divine nature=having

Escaped the corruption=in the world=caused by evil desires”                                                          2 Peter 1:4


REMEMBER=my dear friends=as the Lord walks BESIDE YOU=how PRECIOUS

Each day is=EACH DAY IS  PRECIOUS!=and a gift from God=Save it=In your heart=

And in your mind=RIGHT HERE=RIGHT NOW!=You never know=WHEN God might be



So today=as I do every day=I get down=ON MY KNEES=and THANK GOD=for

This very day=for EACH DAY IS PRECIOUS=To God and in our lives!


In Jesus’ name=and in the day=OF OUR FOREVER LIVING=forever loving=Forever

PRECIOUS=Our Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Jennifer Christ







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