Friday, October 4, 2024

GRACE IN HUMILITY=Saint Francis of Assisi







GRACE IN HUMILITY=Saint Francis of Assisi


Today is the MEMORIAL=to Saint Francis of Assisi=a man

Of such HUMILITY=many think=He is the CLOSEST TO Christ

Who ever lived=He walked the earth as a man=with the GRACE

Of God=and became a HUMBLE SAINT=”Behold =I am of LITTLE

ACCOUNT=What can I answer you?=I put my hand over my mouth”                                  Job 40:4


When we think of Saint Francis=we think of wild life=We think

Of animals=We think of the canticles of CREATION=He PREACHED

To the birds=He befriended wolves=But he was a man of GRACE

Like Christ=and steeled in TOTAL HUMILITY


He was the SON of a rich man=But he dressed in rags=and BEFRIENDED

The poor and the lepers=We would do well to EMULATE the love=

Saint Francis lived with=to live with that same GRACE IN HUMILITY


“You are=the most excellent of men=and your lips have been anointed=

WITH GRACE=since God has blessed you forever”                                                                 Psalm 45:2


“For the law=was given through Moses=GRACE and truth came

Through Jesus Christ”                                                                                                                       John 1:17


“Now I commit you to God=and to the word=of his GRACE=which

Can build you up=and give you an inheritance=among those who are

Sanctified”                                                                                                                                                    Acts 20:32


Francis was a HUMBLE MAN=a man who=LOVED TO SERVE=and to

HELP OTHERS=to HEAL this broken world=we all live in=He is noted for

His plainness and his SIMPLICITY=yet people could see the SAINTLINESS

In him=He was a man of grace in HUMILITY=A HUMBLE SAINT


“Wisdom’s instruction=is to fear the Lord=AND HUMILITY comes before

Honor”                                                                                                                                                             Proverbs 15:33


“BY THE HUMILITY=and gentleness of Christ=I appeal to you--------I Paul=

Who am “timid”=when face to face with you=But “BOLD” toward you

When away!”                                                                                                                                             2 Corinthians 10:1


“Do nothing=out of selfish ambition=or vain conceit=rather IN HUMILITY

Value others=above yourselves=Not looking to your own interests=but each of

You=to the interests of others”                                                                                                            Philippians 2:3-4


There is a GRACE=when we live IN TRUE HUMILITY=Like Saint Francis did=

BEING LITTLE=can make you BIG=in the EYES of God=It can even make you a SAINT=



“In the same way=You who are younger=submit yourselves=to your elders=

All of you=clothe yourself=WITH HUMILITY=toward one another=because

‘God opposes the proud=but shows favor to THE HUMBLE’”                                                        1 Peter 5:5


Today=Let us HONOR Saint Francis of Assisi=who showed GRACE



In Jesus’ name=and IN the name of our EVER HUMBLE Holy Father God=who is forever

Living and loving


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Dcn. Greg Kandra


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