Wednesday, October 2, 2024










We human beings=Go to GREAT LENGTHS=to rationalize

Our thinking=that we are DOING THE RIGHT THING=IN

The choices we make=in our world=and with OUR ACTIONS


We become DEFENSIVE=when We are NOT in tune=with our

Actions=LET THE LORD IN!=Get in tune=with the LORD’S PLAN
For your life=”ALL the ways=of a man=may be right=IN HIS OWN

EYES=but it is the LORD=WHO PROVES HEARTS”                                                            Proverbs 21:2


WHEN we are=Living in the LIGHT of the Lord=We don’t have

To explain ourselves=we are RIGHT WITH God=Let the Lord in=



“You Lord=are my lamp=the Lord turns=my darkness=INTO LIGHT!                         2 Samuel 22:29


“For you=have delivered me=from death=and my feet= from stumbling=

That I may walk before God=in the LIGHT OF LIFE”                                                            Psalm 56:13


“Come descendants of Jacob=Let us walk=IN THE LIGHT= of the Lord”                             Isaiah 2:5


It is great=IF we walk=though life=With the Lord our God=and Jesus

On our conscience=We should be LETTING the Light of God=Into our life

With every CHANCE that we get=Let the light in=LET THE LORD IN!


When we are AWARE=of GOD’S WORD=in our hearts=we are letting the

Holy Spirit in=to LIVE in our hearts= Let the LIGHT OF GOD=into Your heart=and

Soul and mind=LET THE LORD IN!


“For my yoke is easy=and my burden IS LIGHT”                                                                             Matthew 11:30


“When Jesus spoke again=to the people=he said’=’I am the LIGHT of

The world=Whoever follows me=will never walk in darkness=but will have

THE LIGHT OF LIFE’”                                                                                                                                     John 8:12


“This is the message=We have heard from him=and declare to you=

GOD IS LIGHT=in him=there is no darkness at all”                                                                      1 John 1:5


Many of us=have HEARTS=that are a total mess=We would do well to=

LET THE LIGHT IN!=to let our God=to let the HOLY SPIRIT of God=work

Within us=so tell your EGO to hush=to QUIET down a little=and LISTEN

And learn the word of God=LET THE LORD IN!


“I have hidden YOUR WORD=in my HEART=that I might not sin against you”                    Psalm 119:11


WALK IN=the LIGHT of God=Every day of your life=Listen for God’s presence

And peace=LET THE LORD IN!=into your heart=Let the light of God into

Your heart forever more!


In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of our ever LIVING=ever loving=ever LIGHTING

And illuminating=Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps        INSPIRED=by an article IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Kristin Armstrong

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