Sunday, March 4, 2012


Picture this

Jesus took the Apostles
Peter, John, and James
Up the mountain to pray

Two men appeared
Moses and Elijah---they spoke with Jesus
Jesus’ face changed
And his clothes became a dazzling white

A voice came out of the cloud and said,

“This is my Son---Whom I have chosen
---listen to him”                                                      Luke 9:35

Jesus knows
He must descend the mountain
But Peter ( and the other Apostles say ),
“Master---it is good for us to be here
Let us put up three shelters
One for you---one for Moses and one for Elijah”                       Mark 9:5

God’s way---Christ’s way
Or our own way

There was a famous song called---
“I did it my way”

Want to live our life our own way 
But Christ---Because he was God’s Son
Knew he was to do it
His Father’s way   

So Jesus
Does in fact
Come back down the mountain
Goes on with the journey of his life
And he---the SOURCE of ALL life
Does die
Only to be Resurrected again

Like Peter, James, and John
And all the other Apostles
We have intense moments of intimacy
With God

But like Jesus, we must descend the mountain
And continue
On our daily journey through life

God’s way
Or do we insist on living our life
Our own way

Jesus begins
To tell Peter and the other Apostles
About his coming death and Resurrection

Peter responds,
“Never Lord
This shall never happen to you”

Then Jesus says,
“Get behind me Satan
You are a stumbling block to me
You do not have in mind
The things of God
But the things of man”                                                 Matthew 16:23

God’s way
Or our own way

Love God with your whole heart and soul
Love your neighbor as yourself
Forgive 70 x 7
Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Clothe the naked

God’s way
Or our own way

Dear God---Dear Lord

We pray to you
For your grace
And for your transforming light  
And presence
To enlighten our vision

And to transfigure--- our lives
Literally and figuratively   
Just as you did with JESUS---

Robert P. Wallman

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