Friday, March 23, 2012


Can you name
The 12 Apostles

I’ll be honest
I can’t
Not---at least---without going to my Bible

Oh I know
Peter and his brother, Andrew
James, and his brother John
And several of the others

But more importantly
Did you ever wonder
Why Jesus chose this motley crew
This group of men
Who were society’s outcasts

Maybe he chose them
Because they were just people
Like you and me
People who made mistakes
In their life
People who had
Their heart in the right place
And were longing
To make a difference
In the world

Don’t ever underestimate
The redemptive power of love
Don’t ever underestimate
Someone who has their heart
In the right place

Don’t ever underestimate
The longing to make a difference
In this world

One day
Jesus met 4 fishermen
And on that particular day
They were catching no fish
Jesus told them
To try it again

They caught
Such a large number of fish
That their nets began to break
Peter said, “Go away from me Lord;
I am a sinful man”                                                          1 Luke 5:8

Do you ever feel that way
I know that I do

Why them
Why us

Why society’s outcasts
Why earth’s exiles

Because of God’s love
Because of the yearning
In each of these 12 men’s hearts
To make something
That they did wrong in life
And make it right

For the record
The Apostles were the 4 previously mentioned
Matthew, the tax collector
Bartholomew, Judas*, Philip,                          *  Judas was later replaced by Matthias 
Simon, Thaddeus, Thomas, the other James  ( the zealot )

Why them
Why us

The Pharisees asked the disciples this very question,
“Why does your teacher
Eat with tax collectors and sinners?”                                         Matthew 9:11

Jesus overheard the question and said,
“It is not the healthy
Who need a Doctor
But the sick……..
I desire mercy, not sacrifice
For I have come
Not to call the righteous
But sinners”                                                                    Matthew 9:12-13

Why them
Why us

To show
 The REDEMPTIVE POWER of God’s love
In a willing heart

Robert P. Wallman

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