Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Jesus KNEW that the scribes and Pharisees of HIS day knew the teachings.  And he KNOWS
We know HIS teachings today.

HIS PROBLEM with the Pharisees and scribes was that they did not LIVE what they taught.
HOW ABOUT US?   ARE we putting into practice the TEACHINGS OF JESUS into our lives?

Dear Lord-WE PRAY that we LISTEN to our own words-and LIKE you be an EXAMPLE to others
and work to BUILD OTHERS UP and encourage others in their lives

it is A GREAT DAY to be ALIVE! in your love for us





Are you like me
Do you long to hear
Some encouraging words
Some appealing words
About you---about yourself

In today’s world
We are all fighting heavy spiritual battles
And losing

Losing battles of health---physical, mental, and spiritual
Losing battles of finances
And losing battles of temptation
Both sexual and otherwise

So what are we to do
We are to pick each other up
When one or another of us falls

“Therefore encourage one another
And build each other up
Just as in fact you are doing” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

2000 years ago
Those same spiritual battles
Were taking place---with the same results
Until Christ’s death and Resurrection

After Christ paid our debt in full
There was such a man
A man known for building others up
A man known for working with Paul
To build up the Kingdom of God

His name was Joseph
But the Apostles called him Barnabas
Which means---Son of Encouragement

Barnabas came close
To being an original Apostle
In fact he was responsible
For introducing Paul
To Peter
And the rest of the Apostles

In fact
Mark---the writer of the third Gospel
Was Barnabas’ cousin

So when we fall in today’s world
And at one time or another
We will
Let us be there
To pick each other back up

“But encourage one another daily
As long as it is called Today
So that none of you
May be hardened
By sin’s deceitfulness” Hebrews 3:13

So in this broken world
That we live in

Where churches are broken
Where families are broken
Where people are broken
And where---it seems---at times
Not a single soul
Seems to care

I call on you
To build others up
I call on you
To live with the spirit of Christ
I call on you
To live with the Spirit of Barnabas
I call on you
To live with a Spirit of Encouragement

And so
As this never ending
Battle of life
Seems to be pulling us down

I call on you
I call on me
To keep trying
To lift one another up

“We HEAR oh Lord
The desire of the affliction
You encourage them
And you hear them cry
Defending the fatherless
And the oppressed
In order that man
Who is of the earth
May terrify no more” Psalm10:17

Robert P. Wallman

Ps WITNESS 4-21-13

“Unless the Lord BUILDS the house-the BUILDERS labor in vain
Unless the Lord watches over the city-the watchmen stand guard in vain”
Psalm 127:1

“It was he who gave some to be apostles-some to be prophets-
Some to be evangelists-and some to be pastors and teachers

To prepare God’s people for works of service-so that he
The body of Christ may be BUILT up-until we ALL reach UNITY
In the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature
Attaining to the whole measure of the FULLNESS of Christ”
Ephesians 4:11-13

Ps misc. WITNESS 3-18-14

PLEASE PRAY for our brother-Nicholis-aka-the ENCORAGANAIRE-who is

In heavy spiritual warfare right now

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