Thursday, December 17, 2015


LESS THAN PERFECT I have some news For you You are Less than a perfect person I am-you are EVERYONE of us In this world-are IF you think You are perfect RUN/don't walk To the nearest mental health institution You have SOME waking up to do Nevertheless- You are one of GOD'S FAVORITE PEOPLE We all are-For God made All of us “You-Judah-shall your brothers praise -Your hand On the neck of your enemies The sons of your father Shall bow down to you” Genesis 49:8 The bible is FULL of people That God used ALL of them LESS THAN PERFECT Love yourself- Forgive yourself Even though you are Less than perfect God can still USE YOU One of the people That God used was Judah Judah-was-Joseph's brother And was LESS than perfect Like his brothers Judah was jealous of Joseph Because he(Joseph)-was his father's favorite JEALOUSY=been there-done that- How about you? I have seen red A time or two-in my life “For jealousy Arouses a husband's fury And he will show No mercy When he takes revenge” Proverbs 6:34 “Anger is cruel And fury overwhelmed But who can stand Before jealousy” Proverbs 27:4 We are all LESS than perfect In some way But God STILL LOVES -still uses us- -still forgives us- So don't forget To be kind to yourself To love yourself When the brothers Wanted to kill Joseph Judah argued For his brother's life Argued to sell him To the Ishmaelites SAVED his life Thereby setting up ALL the good things That were to happen In Joseph's life “And we know That in all things God works for the good Of those who love him Who have been called According to his purpose” Romans 8:28 Dear Lord-we PRAY That we become WHO you desire us to be And bring GOOD about In this world We honor you And we ask you To HELP US To continue to LOVE ourselves Despite our imperfections JUST LIKE YOU love us Robert P. Wallman December 15th, 2015 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Melanie Rigney

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