Wednesday, December 30, 2015


MOVING FORWARD IN FAITH IN 2016 WE ALL faced Problems and issues In 2015 ISSUES with our health Issues with our finances And issues with our relationships As we begin to move forward In 2016 It is TIME To move forward IN OUR FAITH Regardless if we are facing These same issues Or not “The child's father and mother Were AMAZED at what They said about him” Luke 2:33 Regardless of what we Are facing in life REAL LIFE-only moves In one direction-FORWARD The future is NOT ours To know But we can OVERCOME anything If we keep moving forward In our faith “Consider the blameless Observe the upright A FUTURE awaits those Who seek peace” Psalm 37:37 “There is surely A FUTURE HOPE for you And your hope Will NOT be cut off” Proverbs 23:18 MOVE FORWARD in FAITH In 2016 You can overcome anything Be born again in God Be born again In the LOVE=of Jesus Christ “For I am CONVINCED That neither death-nor life Neither angels nor demons Neither the present Nor the future Nor any powers Neither height nor depth Nor anything else In all creation Will be able To separate us From the LOVE OF GOD That is Christ Jesus OUR LORD” Romans 8:38-39 WHATEVER you are facing STEP FORWARD in faith in 2016 You can OVERCOME ALL IF you are in God and Jesus Think about Mary and Joseph They were feeling-I'm sure overjoyed- But also OVERWHELMED As they PRESENTED Jesus In the TEMPLE I am sure They had their hands FULL As all parents do UNLIKE other parents They were told They were raising the MESSIAH The UNCERTAINTY-the questions They must have had “COMMAND those Who are rich In the present world NOT to be arrogant Nor to put Their hope in wealth Which is so UNCERTAIN But to Put their HOPE IN GOD Who richly provides us With everything For our enjoyment” 1 Timothy 6:17 That is HOW Mary and Joseph (and Jesus) CONQUERED their fears and uncertainty And that is how We can do it too They LIVED with their questions By putting their FAITH IN GOD And that is how we Can OVERCOME everything We are facing in 2016 By putting our HOPE in God And MOVING FORWARD IN FAITH In 2016 Dear Lord-WE PRAY HELP US to live a life of FAITH In 2016 And entrust ALL OUR TOMORROWS TO YOU Robert P. Wallman 12-29-15 INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Gail Goleas

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