Saturday, December 19, 2015


TRANSFORMED BY THE CREATOR At an elderly age-Zechariah Is told-he is going To be a father But instead of expressing JOY and wonder At the prospect Of having A much prayed for child Zechariah responds with skepticism “Then Zechariah Said to the angel 'HOW shall I know this? For I am An old man And my wife (Elizabeth) Is advanced in age'” Luke 1:18 Maybe a little bit Of the “TOO GOOD to be true” syndrome Seen through human understanding His response is understandable Maybe we too Are like that IN LIFE When we experience something Really really good in life But by faith alone We can become transformed By the creator We become-TRANSFORMED- By the LOVE of God “Do NOT conform To the pattern of this world But be TRANSFORMED By the renewing Of your mind Then you will be able To test and approve What GOD'S WILL is- His good-pleasing And perfect will” Romans 12:2-3 Zechariah became transformed By a MIRACLE-in his life I BEGAN to become transformed By a miracle in my life WHEN I was 22 After getting up From my deathbed When I was 22 And living with A lifetime of physical pain I am AMAZED That I am still here Some 40 years later TRANSFORMED by the CREATOR Transformed-by the miracle- Of GOD'S LOVE Through God-and through MY FAITH IN HIM “And we ALL........ Are being transformed Into his IMAGE With everlasting glory Which comes from the Lord Who is the SPIRIT” 2 Corinthians 3:18 Zechariah was transformed I was transformed YOU can be too- TRANSFORMED by the CREATOR If you just BELIEVE Sometimes We don't really Want to believe “The too good to be true” But we just have to REMEMBER Having a CHANGE OF HEART In life That the spiritual journey IS NOT about our willpower But about our WILLINGNESS To let GOD TRANSFORM US Dear Lord=GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE Please give us the FAITH To be TRANSFORMED BY THE CREATOR Robert P. Wallman 12-17-15 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Terri Mifek

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