Thursday, May 23, 2024











MAY 23rd, 2012






Every child should have a chance

Every child should have life

Every child should have hope


And how can they hope

When there is no food

On the table

And how can they hope

When we persist in labeling

All the time

They are being used


And how can they hope

With no one to believe in

How can they hope

When all they know is sin


Let’s give every child

Something ( and someone ) to believe in

And let’s begin

By letting every child


That we believe in them


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “But if anyone-causes one of these little ones

             Who believe in me to sin

             It would be better for him

             To have a large millstone hung around his neck

             And to be drowned in the depths of the sea”                   Matthew 18:6


Happy Birthday Jasmine-I hope you are well


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