Thursday, May 16, 2024








(To the Lord=and to EACH OTHER)


In today’s first reading=Saint Paul OFFERS

A touching GOODBYE=to the EPHESIANS

“KEEP WATCH=over yourselves=and OVER=

The whole flock……”                                                                                                                      Acts 20:28


TIMES PASSES=in this life=We just never know

What a day may bring=We just never know=WHEN

And to whom=we might have to say GOODBYE TO=and

FOR whatever reason=


AN UNTIMELY DEATH=a change in a situation=like a job

Loss=or career change=a BREAK UP=within the family=We

Just NEVER KNOW=what a day may bring=TIME PASSES

For us all=OFFER YOURSELVES=to the Lord


“Therefore=I urge you=brothers and sisters=In view

Of God’s mercy=TO OFFER your bodies=as a living sacrifice=

Holy and pleasing to God=-------this is your true and

Proper worship”                                                                                                                        Romans 12:1


“Through Jesus=therefore=let us continually OFFER

To God=a sacrifice of praise=the fruit of lips=that openly

Profess his name”                                                                                                                            Hebrews 13:15


TIME PASSES=for us all=We just never know what

A day may bring=TODAY was a SAD GOODBYE=for Paul


And Jesus=had to say GOODBYE=to the world all ALONE

In pain and suffering=we just never know=what a day

MAY BRING=but we do KNOW


TIME PASSES=for us all=and we NEED to stay CLOSE

To our Holy father God=to Jesus=and to EACH OTHER=

We need to OFFER OURSELVES to God=stay CLOSE

To the Lord


“The Lord=is a refuge=for the oppressed=a stronghold

IN TIMES OF TROUBLE”                                                                                                                  Psalm 9:9


“He said to them=’It is not for you=to know=the TIMES

Or dates=The Father has set=by his own authority”                                                         Acts 1:7


Since=we never know=WHEN and If=we have GOODBYE

To one another=we need to=WATCH OVER each other=we

NEED to take care=of ONE ANOTHER=Time passes=OFFER

YOURSELVES=to the Lord


“It was called=MIZPAH=because he said=’May the Lord

KEEP WATCH=between you and me=when we are AWAY

From each other’”                                                                                                                               Genesis 31:49


“He who scattered Israel=will gather them=and will

WATCH OVER his flock=like a shepherd”                                                                          Jeremiah 31:10


“And there were shepherds=Living out in the fields nearby=

KEEPING WATCH=over their flocks at night”                                                                        Luke 2:8


Dear friends=Dear brothers and sisters=I HOPE

We don’t have to say goodbye=FOR ANY REASON=for

Many years=including death=but let us keep in mind

TIME PASSES=and we need to



LOVING ONE ANOTHER=counting ourselves as AMAZING

BLESSINGS to each other=you all are=AMAZING TREASURES

To me=and I hope we are TOGETHER for many many years



In Jesus’ name=and in the name=of our FOREVER LIVING=forever loving

Forever CARING=Holy Father God!


Robert P. Wallman




Ps       INSPIRED=by an article=IN LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE=by Terence Hegarty




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