Friday, May 17, 2024











MAY 17th, 2012







How much courage have you got

How hard have worked

How long have you fought

To get to this place in your life

Which you have always sought

Had to get to this place

In order to get to the next stage


I remember-planning it all so well

In my idle thoughts


Now again

When all looks lost

I get this urge-to throw in the towel

Even if-it’s only for awhile


But somehow-I have to remain strong

Even when my life

Is turning out all wrong


How much courage have you got

Do you remember how hard that you fought

Can you rise to the occasion again

To fight a battle-you know you can’t win


But maybe just holding your own-is a win

Can you rise to the occasion again

Remember how hard that you fought

Do you want to throw in the towel

How much courage have you got


It comes from inside-but I can’t say where

I want to quit

But I searched all through me-and there is NO QUIT in there

And somehow-I continue to care

I fight through the hopelessness and fear

And with the future-looking so very bleak

And feeling like I have been thrown

To the snakes in the pit

I do things-others would never dare


How much courage have you got

How hard have you worked

How long have you fought


Do you want to throw in the towel

If you do-then do it now

You got the towel in your hand

But the hand is not moving anywhere

Because you can’t


You’ve been in too many tight spots

The things that you have learned

And the things that you have taught

To let it all go for not


How much courage have you got

How long have you worked

How hard have you fought

To get to this place in your life

Which you have always sought

Had to get to this place

In order to get to the next stage


Can you rise to the occasion again

To fight a battle that you know-YOU CAN’T WIN

But holding on is a win

And as long as you got life


You will find the COURAGE

To do it again and again


Robert P. Wallman



Ps       “The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said,

           “TAKE COURAGE!  As you have testified in Jerusalem

            So you must also testify in Rome                                     Acts 23:11


           “Be on your guard-stand firm in the faith

            Be men of COURAGE

            DO EVERYTHING IN LOVE”                                    1 Corinthians 16-13

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