Saturday, May 18, 2024











MAY 18th, 2012








I want to be

Kind to my mother

I want to be

Kind to my sisters too

I want to be

Be kind to everyone

I want to make everyone

Feel brand new


I want to forgive my enemy

I want to turn the other cheek

I want to embrace

All life has to offer

I want to make everyone

Feel brand new


I want to make everyone

Feel brand new


Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “I will give you a NEW HEART

             And put a new spirit in you

             I will remove from you your heart of stone

             And give you a HEART of flesh”                             Ezekiel 36:26


            “You were taught

              With regard to your former way of life

              To put off your old self

              Which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires

              To be MADE NEW in the attitude of your minds

             And to put on the new self

             Created to be like God

             In TRUE righteousness and holiness”                         Ephesians 4:22-24


             “Yet I am writing you a NEW COMMAND

               Because the darkness is passing

              And the true light is already SHINING”                         1 John 2:8

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