Monday, May 27, 2024











MAY 27th, 2012






God’s plan is sure

God’s plan is true

God’ word

Is always on the mark

Is it in you


Even in the best of we humans

Who try to be true

Who always

Try to do our very best

Sometimes we fail

It has happened to me

Has it ever happened

To you


The human element

Leaves us weak

The human element

Leaves us vulnerable

The human element

Leaves us

With us an Achilles heel


Jesus Christ

Had that human element

But he triumphed

Over it all

Jesus Christ knew

He had to show

The human element

In order to fail


But he was

Willing to do it

In order

To triumph over it all


We try and try and try

To triumph

Over our human element


I only

Know one thing about it

And that is

Without God in our heart

We are

Doomed to fail


Without God

The human element

Leaves us

Doomed to fail


Robert P. Wallman



Ps       “Since the children have flesh and blood

            He too shared in their humanity

            So that by his death he might destroy him

            Who holds the power of death

            -That is- the devil

             And free those who all their lives

             Were held in slavery

             By their fear of death


             For surely-it is not angels he helps

             But Abraham’s descendants


             For this reason he had to be made

             Like his brothers in every way……..”                                          Hebrews 2:14-17








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