Wednesday, May 8, 2024











MAY 8th, 2012












In every society

There are

Three kinds of people


The lawless

Those who do

What the law demands

And the volunteers

Those who go the extra mile


Jesus was

The ultimate volunteer

He gave his life

Freely for all of us


He was

Not just a hired hand

He was the ultimate GOOD SHEPHERD

Who did not lose

Any of his sheep


So Lord

We ask of you

Not just to do

As we are asked

But for the grace

To go the extra mile


We ask of you

To give our lives freely

Back to you


Not just

To be loved by God

But to give

Our life and love back in return


We ask of you

For the grace

To live like you

To give our lives freely


And to be like you

Go the extra mile

And be




Robert P. Wallman



Ps        “Heal the sick-raise the dead-cleanse those who have leprosy

            -drive out demons-

            Freely you have received-freely give”                  Matthew 10:8

             ( Jesus to the 12 chosen apostles-and US )


            “Each man should give

            What he has decided in hi heart to give

             NOT reluctantly or under compulsion

             FOR GOD LOVES a cheerful giver”                   2 Corinthians 9:7


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