Saturday, December 29, 2012

DECEMBER 30th, 2012

The Miracle Continues-HOPE AND GRATITUDE

In my 22nd miracle
I told the story
Of how God saved my life
When I was given zero per cent chance to live
And I told the story
Of the promise I made to God,
“To live for my family, my friends,
And ALL people everywhere,”
If God continued to sustain me with life

I consider my promise to God
My personal promise-my personal covenant
With God
I can honestly tell you
That not a day has gone by
Without me thinking of that promise
At least once

I can tell you
God has answered my promise with affirmation
Because here I sit some 33 plus years later
And while my life
Has not been the greatest
Of lives by human standards
Or even the life I would have chosen for myself
I have done my very best
To keep up my end of the promise

Because of the extended blessing of life
That God has given to me
I got to spend many happy occasions
With my family-both immediate and extended
I got to sit with my mother-holding my father’s hand as he died
Earlier this year-I got to take care of my mom
And sit with my sister-holding her hand as she died
I still have the pleasure of talking to each of my sisters
Every day
My sister, Mary, has four beautiful daughters
And I have received the gift of spending much time
With them and seeing them grow

For my part-I have tried to extend my witnessing of God
To as many people as possible
I have been baptized four times-in various churches-and four
Different denominations-ALL CHRISTIAN- over the years
I have shared my story both verbally-and through my poetry
To as many people as possible

I have ALWAYS wanted my own family and children
But it never did really happen for me
But about four years ago I met a woman to share my life with
As a friend-I call her “Maggie”
She told me that she always wanted to meet someone
That could teach her about God
And there is nothing I like more than talking about God
So we attend church together on Sunday-and several times a week
We study the Bible together
She has been baptized in the church we both currently attend

And so some 33 plus years later-I am still alive
And I believe that there is a universal message
That I am meant to share through my life


It used to be
That we had to die for our Christianity
Today-we must LIVE for it
The ultimate message of our life is one of hope
If we unite our lives with Jesus
And share our successes and sufferings

Our responsibilities as Christians
Is to live lives based on mercy-justice-forgiveness
Self-sacrifice and self-denial
The Christian message is one of HOPE- not just for one of us
But for ALL of us


One of my favorite passages in the Bible is the story
Where Jesus heals ten lepers
But only one comes back to say thank you
Jesus says,
“Were not all ten cleansed?  Where are the other nine?
Was no one found to return and give praise to God
Except this foreigner?”        Luke 17:17

And I say, “Thank you Lord”
I thank you for the Divine insight to make my promise
To you all those years ago
I thank you for the graciousness in your answer to my promise
I thank you for the gift of time with my father, and my mother,
My sisters, my nieces, my entire family-both immediate and extended
My friends, and my churches

And finally-Dear Lord
We ask you to help us, HELP ME, to always come back
And say thank you
And help us, help me
To let you shine so thoroughly through us and in us
That people no longer see us

Robert P. Wallman

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