Sunday, December 30, 2012


In the Catholic Church
On December 28th,
There is a feast day
Dedicated to the children of Bethlehem
Killed by the tyrant-Herod the Great

Told by the Magi
Of the birth of a new king
He tried to eliminate ALL possible rivals

“Then Herod called the Magi secretly
And found out from them
The exact time the star had appeared
He sent them to Bethlehem and said,

“Go and make
A careful search for the child
As soon as you find him
Report to me
So that I too
May go and worship him”                                                      Matthew 2:7-8

But the Magi were too smart for him
After being warned in a dream
Not to go back to Herod
They returned to their country
By a different route

And Mary and Joseph
Fled to Egypt with Jesus
As Herod killed all the first born sons in Bethlehem

Thus the Holy Innocents
Are considered to be martyrs-BECAUSE
Not only did they die for Christ
Bit they died
In place of Christ

But the story

Children today
Are being used as gun-toting soldiers
And we have case after case
Of children being sexually abused
And on and on and on

Children are paying for adult crimes
In every country
In every area of life

And most recently
We have the tragedy
In Newtown, Connecticut
Where 26 innocent people were killed
Including twenty children

Let the children come
To our children
It is time for GOOD people
To stand up
To be a positive example for our children

“Let the children come to me
And do not hinder them
Belongs to such as these

I tell you the truth
Anyone who will not receive
The kingdom of God
Like a little child
Will never enter into it”                             

And he took the children
Into his arms
Put his hands on them and blessed them”                                               Mark 10:14-16

Dear Lord-we pray
For the Holy Innocent children
Lost and hurt 2,000 years ago
And we pray
For all the innocent children
Lost and hurt through all the years
As well as in today’s evil world

“And he said,

“I tell you the truth
Unless you change and become
Like little children
You will never
Enter into the kingdom of heaven

Therefore whoever humbles himself
Like this child
Is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven

And whoever welcomes a little child
Like this-WELCOMES ME”                                                         Matthew 18:3-5

To build a safer country and world
For our children
So we can truly say.


Robert P. Wallman

Ps        Today is the feast of the HOLY FAMILY-Dear Lord-we pray for ALL
            Families today that they might be able to LIVE with that same peace,
            Unity, and LOVE that the Holy Family-Jesus-Mary-and Joseph did

            And we pray for the SAFETY of all our children-and that we BEGIN
            To BUILD a better world for them

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