Thursday, December 6, 2012


The historical facts
And the legends of Saint Nicholas
Are-in fact-intertwined

What we know for sure
Is that
He was Bishop of Myra
And may or may not
Have been instrumental
In the council of Nicea in 325

He became widely known
In the East-and that was increased
By an account of a fictitious biographer

And his legend
Began to spread to the West
In the 10th century

Many have claimed him
As their patron Saint
Including children-sailors-unmarried girls-
Merchants-pawnbrokers-and perfumiers

It is believed
He saved three girls from prostitution
By throwing 3 bags of money
Through their windows
To provide dowries
So they could get married

It is believed
That this is the basis
Of three gold bars
As the pawnbrokers sign

It is believed
He raised three boys
After they were murdered by a butcher
And that he saved three men
Unjustly condemned to death
As well as
Three sailors lost at sea
Off the coast of Turkey

Many churches
Are named after him
And he is believed to be
The most painted Saint
Other than the Blessed Mother

The most popular result
Of his cult
Is the belief that Saint Nicholas
Is responsible for the origins of Santa Claus

This is based on
Nicholas’ love of children
And his giving them gifts

Nicholas remains
A very popular name
As well as its many variations including:
Colic-Nicola-Nicolette-and many others

So this December 6th
On his feast day
Let us all remember
That giving is NOT just for Christmas

But ALL YEAR round
And Nicholas is not just a Christmas Saint

Robert P. Wallman

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