Monday, December 31, 2012


This is a love story between two people, that began with their love
Of God, was passed on to me, my two sisters, and to their grandchildren.

My mother first met my father when she was 15 years old.  Their first
Dates were to the “Fatima” novena on Friday night, at the old Saint
Andrew’s Church, in the Manchester section of Pittsburgh, Pa.  She
Indeed told me that she had only one other date in her entire life.
Someone else had scheduled two dates in the same night and she
Was asked to stand in for one of them.

I believe my personal promise to God, on my deathbed when I was 22,
Is not only my personal covenant with God, but may have significance
For every human being in this world today.

I believe we need to get back to being a culture of life not death.
And I believe we are to get back to putting God first-above science,
Above money and materialism, and above our own selfish sexuality,
Whatever that may be.  We need to get back to being a culture where
God matters, where family value matters, and where the dignity of
Every human being is of significance.  Particularly children and older

Finally, I just want to say thank you to my family, my extended family,
My friends, and all those who supported me in my many times of need
Over the years.  God bless you all.

With particular thanks to:

1.              My sister Terri-who has never let me down
2.              John and Karen Murphy-for all you’ve been to us over the years
3.              John and Karen Williams-for the unexpected gifts

With gratitude to God and all of you.

Thank you for being a part of my life and letting me be a part of yours.


Robert P. Wallman

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