Wednesday, April 22, 2015


JOURNAL=4-22-15=I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE “I AM the bread of life-WHOEVER comes to me will never hunger-and whoever BELIEVES in me-will NEVER THIRST” John 6:35 Like Moses-Jesus was SENT BY GOD-to lead his people into the PROMISED LAND Moses gave his people a food that perished every night-and led them to an EARTHLY PROMISED LAND—JESUS' MISSION-however-is to GIVE HIMSELF as the bread of ETERNAL LIFE JESUS' MISSION is to lead his people AWAY from the slavery of sin-and into the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN This is the GENEROSITY of Jesus-he offers us his VERY LIFE-the LIVING BREAD that came down from heaven it is A GREAT DAY to be ALIVE in GOD'S LOVE for us-and a great day to ACCEPT OUR MISSION-to FOLLOW and LIVE the teachings of Jesus in our life THE BREAD OF LIFE ( is Eternal Life ) “I am the Bread of Life He who comes to me Will never go hungry And he who believes in me Will never go thirsty” John 6:35 If you saw a fountain And someone told you That if you drank From that fountain You would have The gift of eternal life I wonder How many of us Would rush to that fountain to drink I know that I would Jesus tells us, “For my Father’s will Is that everyone Who looks to the Son And believes in him Shall have eternal life And I will raise him up On the last day” How many of us Want ETERNAL life I would dare say Almost all of us How many of us Really believe that Jesus is THE CHRIST The ONE AND ONLY SON OF GOD I would dare say NOT many of us For if we really and truly believed in him A GOD OF LIFE, A GOD OF LOVE, AND A GOD OF TRUTH Would we have a world Filled with war, murder, rape, child-abuse, And only the Lord knows what else Eternal life is simply A life everlasting with God It is the choice of God and love Over hatred and sin Jesus took the bread Gave it to his disciples and said, “This is my body” He then took the cup Gave it to his disciples and said, “This is my blood The blood of the new and everlasting covenant Which is poured out for many” Eternal life means simply A life everlasting with God Take on The Body of Christ Take on The Blood of Christ Choose God and love Over the sins of this world What would we do Where would we go Without God and Jesus in our lives Simon Peter knew the answer, “Lord to whom shall we go You have the words of eternal life We believe and know That you are the Holy One of God” John 6:68 Jesus said, “I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE” I believe him---do you? Robert P. Wallman 5-14-11 ps misc. WITNESS 3-11-14 MISC. WITNESS 6-22-14 4-22-15

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