Thursday, July 7, 2016


DEPENDING ON GOD'S WORD (commissioned to SPREAD the word) In first century Judea When people traveled They often depended On the HOSPITALITY of others I still do today And my family and friends Have ALWAYS come through for me “Do NOT take gold-or silver- Or copper-for your belts No sack for the journey Or a second tunic- Or sandals-or walking stick” Matthew 10:9-10 How many of us Would leave home On a trip today Without luggage-some money- And a reservation To stay somewhere Or at least having arranged To stay with family or friends- I would dare say- NONE of us I think Jesus is basically telling us That we don't need anything But the WORD of God To SURVIVE Everything else WILL take care of itself We are COMMISSIONED by God- With his word “I have hidden your word In my heart That I might not sin Against you” Psalm 119:11 “EVERY word of God is flawless He is a SHIELD To those Who take REFUGE in him” Proverbs 30:5 “For the WORD OF GOD Is alive and active SHARPER than any double-edged sword It penetrates Even to dividing soul And spirit- Joints and marrow It judges the thoughts And attitudes of the heart” Hebrews 4:12 We are all DEPENDENT On the word of God We are all Commissioned by God To SPREAD the word- Just as surely-as his own Son- Jesus was Jesus tells his disciples To take NOTHING But the clothes on their back A little extreme By today's standards But I am SURE You get the point Their MISSION-our mission Is to take GOD'S WORDS To a world DESPERATE FOR HOPE A world desperate to HEAR God's words- And the HOPE that they bring “You KNOW the message- God sent to the people of Israel Announcing the GOOD NEWS Of PEACE through Jesus Christ Who is Lord of ALL” Acts 10:36 And that is our message He sends THROUGH US today The simple message of LOVE-peace- Mercy-and forgiveness So we struggle To bring the CHRISTIAN MESSAGE To the world With or without clothes on our back With or without money in our pocket And with or without our canes Or walking sticks We are COMMISSIONED by God And by Jesus To BRING their words to a hurting world And that is all that Really matters In Jesus' name, Robert P. Wallman 7-6-16 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Paul Pennick

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