Tuesday, July 12, 2016

FIRM IN THE LOVE OF GOD Who do you trust? Who would you go to IF you were in dire need? What if you needed faith-hope-love And encouragement? What if your FAITH NEEEDED a boost? “UNLESS your faith is FIRM You shall not be firm” Isaiah 7:9 Are you polished In your faith? Are you STANDING FIRM in the LOVE OF GOD? People these days Talk a lot about BEING SECURE= Financially-our armed forces-and Technological expertise This is all great But WHEN I think about people And security The people that are MOST FIRM Are those that are FIRM IN FAITH They are firm people They are secure people And their faith has HELPED them ENDURE many trials And endure the tests of time They are firm in their faith They are firm In their LOVE OF GOD (And of others) “The Lord makes FIRM The steps Of the one Who DELIGHTS in him” Psalm 37:23 “When the storm Has swept by The wicked are gone But the righteous Stand firm FOREVER” Proverbs 10:25 We BELIEVERS-are firm In our LOVE of God And HE(God) WILL love us Until the end of time “Stand firm And you will WIN LIFE” Luke 21:19 I have gone to God When in NEED of help I have gone to FAMILY and friends They have never let me down STAND FIRM-in your love- Of God-and of others What makes people STRONG Is their FAITH- Their faith in God And their faith in family- And our faith in each other They are INSEPARABLE in their faith From God and Christ Their faith in God Is FIRM Their faith has been HONED AND POLISHED Over the years Through the deepest of suffering I should know I am a SURVIVOR too Through my STANDING FIRM In my faith in God and Christ And most of all-because- GOD'S LOVE for me “IF you do not STAND FIRM in your faith You will not stand at all” Isaiah 7:9 “By faith- In the name of Jesus This man whom you see And know was made STRONG It is JESUS' name and the faith That comes though him That has COMPLETELY HEALED him As you can ALL SEE” Acts 3:16 MIRACLES come from STANDING FIRM in your Love for God- Standing firm- In your LOVE FOR Jesus Stay committed to God in prayer and charity STAND FIRM in your love Who knows WHERE AND WHEN Our next miracle is coming from? Robert P. Wallman 7-11-15 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Mary Marrocco

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