Sunday, July 31, 2016


SEEK YE FIRST There is nothing bad in this world As long as you KEEP it in moderation And keep things in PERSPECTIVE But we must always REMEMBER WHERE God belongs-and that is FIRST IN OUR LIFE The Scriptures speak to us About seeking God first “But SEEK FIRST his kingdom And his righteousness And ALL of these things Will be GIVEN to you as well Therefore do NOT worry about tomorrow For tomorrow will worry About itself EACH day has enough trouble Of its own” Matthew 6:33-34 In other words ALWAYS seek God first And you don't have to worry About anything else You WILL FIND your soul mate You will be TAKEN care of financially And you will be given ENOUGH HEALTH To ACCOMPLISH exactly what GOD'S PLAN Is for your life That is exactly what happened To me-WHEN I found God ALL things began to be PROVIDED For me-one way-or another- Usually through FAMILY and FRIENDS- But I know God was behind it “So Abraham Called that place THE LORD WILL PROVIDE And to this day It is said, 'On the mountain of the LORD It will be provided'” Genesis 22:14 “Command those Who are rich In this present world NOT to be arrogant NOR to put their hope in wealth Which is so UNCERTAIN But to PUT THEIR HOPE In God Who richly provides us With EVERYTHING For our enjoyment” 1 Timothy 6:17 So the question looms: HOW do we know When we have become slaves Of earthly things? When we put MATERIALISM- Or things above God Or sexual lusts-above- OUR LOVE for God and people We have LOST OUR WAY Lost our perspective In this world SEEK GOD FIRST He will direct our way We must listen We must HEAR HIS VOICE Above all else “Now choose LIFE So that you- And your children May live And that you may LOVE The LORD your God LISTEN to his voice And HOLD FAST to him ….....” Deuteronomy 30:19-20 SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD And everything else will be GIVEN to you besides In Jesus' name Robert P. Wallman 7-31-16 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti

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