Friday, July 29, 2016


SHE KNEW=SO SHOULD WE (Saint Martha) TODAY we celebrate the feast Of Saint Martha Who after her brother-Lazarus died- WHEN Jesus didn't get there on time- And was two days late STILL had the belief Still had the CONFIDENCE That Jesus could still SAVE HIM “Martha said to him- 'Yes Lord-I have come To BELIEVE that you ARE THE CHRIST- The Son of God The ONE who is COMING into the world” John 11:27 Martha had the FAITH- Had the confidence That Jesus could SAVE her brother After he died And he did But what about us What about our faith Do we have the CONFIDENCE? Do we have the FAITH? That the ones we lose In life-will LIVE FOREVER With God and Jesus-for ALL of eternity Martha PROFESSES her faith and confidence And BELIEF in her DEAR FRIEND Jesus To MIRACULOUSLY SAVE her brother And RAISE him from the dead How about us? WHEN we encounter problems in life Do we believe- That God can-that Jesus CAN RESURRECT US in life (and in death) Do we really believe like Martha did? “If you believe-you will RECEIVE- Whatever you ask for in PRAYER” Matthew 21:22 Martha-she knew- She had the FAITH and the CONFIDENCE In Jesus-SO SHOULD WE “'He SAVED others,' they said- 'But he can;t save himself Let the Messiah This king of Israel Come down now from the cross That we may SEE and BELIEVE' Those crucified with him Also heaped insults on him” Mark 15:31-32 But Jesus-had the last laugh Just as he did with Lazarus HE came BACK to life-with The HELP of his Father We just have to believe And have CONFIDENCE like Martha In life-and in death SHE KNEW-so should we When the UNCERTAINTIES Of this world surround us MAY we be confident In the Lord Jesus Just like Martha “I remain Confident of this I will SEE The GOODNESS of the Lord In the land of the LIVING” Psalm 27:13 “For the Lord detests The perverse- But takes the UPRIGHT Into his CONFIDENCE” Proverbs 3:32 Martha KNEW to believe in and have confidence in the Lord SO SHOULD WE In both life-and in death Robert P. Wallman July 28th, 2016 Ps INSPIRED by an article in LIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Melanie Rigney

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