Saturday, February 2, 2019



There are lots of people
In today's world

Men-women-children=would you
RECOGNIZE Jesus if you saw
Him in today's world?

“And suddenly there will
Come to the temple=
The Lord
Whom you speak.......” Malachi 3:1

If Jesus walked in to
Your church tomorrow=would you
RECOGNIZE him? Somehow I
Don't think that he would LOOK like=
LIKE the pictures
We know of him

And IF he did look like
The Jesus we all KNOW=
HOW would we know
He is not someone

If Jesus were ALIVE today=
In today's world=I imagine
It would be just as HARD
For us to recognize him=
As it was for the people
Of Jesus' own time

RECOGNIZE Jesus?=we should=for
He is ALIVE and PRESENT in
Each and every one of us

“By their fruit
You will RECOGNIZE them

Do people pick
Grapes from thorn bushes
Or figs from thistles?” Matthew 7:16

“This is
How you can RECOGNIZE
The SPIRIT of God

Every Spirit
That acknowledges that Jesus Christ
Has come in the flesh
IS from God.........” 1 John 4:2

“We are from God
And whoever knows God
Listens to us

This is how we RECOGNIZE
The SPIRIT of truth
And the spirit of falsehood” 1 John 4:6

So would you RECOGNIZE Jesus
If he was walking
DOWN the street today?
I hope so=for the is
IN each and everyone of us

I hope so=for he is
The FACE of humanity
He is the FACE OF GOD

The PRESENTATION of the Lord
To Simeon

Simeon recognized him=
Right away=the baby Jesus

We need to LEARN an
OPENNESS to God=and openness
Jesus=in every human being

Let us look for
The FACE of Jesus
In each and everyone of us
Let us LOOK for the

“My heart says of you
'Seek his FACE'
Your face Lord-I will seek” Psalm 27:8

“May God
Be gracious to us
And bless us

And make his FACE
Shine on us---------” Psalm 67:1

Will I=will you
RECOGNIZE Jesus in church

Yes I will
And I HOPE you will too

I will recognize Jesus
In the mundane and ORDINARY

And I will recognize him
In the HOLY too

For where God is=WHERE human beings are
The FACE of God and Jesus

In Jesus' name and in the name of GOD OUR EVERLASTING FATHER!

Robert P. Wallman

Ps INPIRED by an article in LIVIVING FAITH MAGAZINE by Aileen O'Donoghue




It seems sometimes
This life is set up
For us to stumble
Stumble and fall

Stumble on our health matters
Stumble on our financial matters
Stumble in our relationships

“Though he stumble, he will not fall
He will not fall
For the Lord upholds him
With his hand” Psalm 37:4

Sometimes we not only stumble
Sometimes we actually do fall

Jesus falls the first time

But he got back up
How about us
Are we going to get back up

“For to his angels
He has given command about you
That they guard you
In all your ways

Upon their hands
They shall bear you up
Lest you dash your foot against a stone” Psalm 91:11-12

We may stumble again
Maybe even fall a second time

Jesus did
Actually fell a second time---but he got back up
How about us

Are we going to get back up

And as angels hold us up
We are to help others,

“We who are strong
Ought to bear
With the failings of the weak
Each of us
Should please his neighbor
For his good--- to build him up” Romans 15:1&2

Even with the help of angels
Even with the help of others
We may fall yet again

Jesus did
Jesus fell for even a third time

But his Father lifted him
One more time
To live with him for ALL of eternity

Success in life
Is getting back up
One more time
Than we get knocked down

God will
Bear you up
The angels
Will bear you up
Lest you dash your foot
Against a stone

“The stone
That the builders rejected
Has become the cornerstone” Psalm 118:22

“As you come to him---the living stone
Rejected by men
But chosen by God
And precious to him
You also---like living stones
Are being built into a spiritual house
To be a holy priesthood
Offering spiritual sacrifices
Acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 2:4 & 5

By staying connected to God
By believing in Christ
Though we may stumble
Though we may fall

We---as believers---will be

Robert P. Wallman

Ps WITNESS 2-26-13

misc. WITNESS 2-12-14
and 2-2-3-2019

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